AdvancedCustom Stores

Custom Event and Snapshot Stores

How to create your own Event Store

To create and register your own Event Store implementation you’ll need an EventStore class and a configuration interface to be able to register it in the module.

Create a configuration

The first thing you need to do to be able to register your Event Store is to create a configuration interface. It should extend the EventStoreConfig interface and define the EventStore you’re about to create as the driver, along with additional parameters you’ll need to initialize it.

import type { Type } from '@nestjs/common';
import type { EventStoreConfig } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
import type { FooEventStore } from './foo.event-store';
export interface FooEventStoreConfig extends EventStoreConfig {
	driver: Type<FooEventStore>;
	// Add any additional parameters you need to initialize your Event Store
	// e.g. a connection string

Create an Event Store

Secondly you’ll need to create your Event Store which extends the EventStore class and implements the required methods. If an existing integration suits your needs, but misses only a few things, you could also extend an existing integration EventStore.

import { EventStore } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
import type { FooEventStoreConfig } from './foo-event-store-config';
export class FooEventStore extends EventStore<FooEventStoreConfig> {
	public async connect(): Promise<void> {
		// Connect to your Event Store
	public async disconnect(): Promise<void> {
		// Disconnect from your Event Store
	public async ensureCollection(pool?: IEventPool): Promise<void> {
		// Ensure the collection exists in your Event Store
	public async *listCollections(filter?: IEventCollectionFilter): AsyncGenerator<string> {
		// List all collections in your Event Store
	async getEvent({ streamId }: EventStream, version: number, pool?: IEventPool): Promise<IEvent> {
		// Get an event from your Event Store
	... // The other methods

Register your Event Store

Once you have that, you can register your EventStore in the module, while providing the configuration for it so the module knows that it’s an EventStore.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventSourcingModule } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
import { FooEventStore } from './foo.event-store';
import type { FooEventStoreConfig } from './foo-event-store-config';
	imports: [
			useFactory: () => ({
				events: [...Events],
				eventStore: {
					driver: FooEventStore,
					... // the additional parameters from your configuration
	providers: [...],
	controllers: [...],
class AppModule {}

How to create your own Snapshot Store

Creating a custom snapshot store follows the same pattern as described above.

Create a configuration

import type { Type } from '@nestjs/common';
import type { SnapshotStoreConfig } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
export interface FooSnapshotStoreConfig extends SnapshotStoreConfig {
	driver: Type<FooSnapshotStore>;
	// Add any additional parameters you need to initialize your Snapshot Store
	// e.g. a connection string

Create a Snapshot Store

import { SnapshotStore } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
import type { FooSnapshotStoreConfig } from './foo-snapshot-store-config';
export class FooSnapshotStore extends SnapshotStore<FooSnapshotStoreConfig> {
	public async connect(): Promise<void> {
		// Connect to your Snapshot Store
	public async disconnect(): Promise<void> {
		// Disconnect from your Snapshot Store
	public async ensureCollection(pool?: ISnapshotPool): Promise<void> {
		// Ensure the collection exists in your Snapshot Store
	public async *listCollections(filter?: ISnapshotCollectionFilter): AsyncGenerator<string> {
		// List all collections in your Snapshot Store
	async getEvent<A extends AggregateRoot>({ streamId }: SnapshotStream, version: number, pool?: ISnapshotPool): Promise<ISnapshot<A>> {
		// Get a snapshot from your Snapshot Store
	... // The other methods

Register your Snapshot Store

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventSourcingModule } from '@ocoda/event-sourcing';
import { FooSnapshotStore } from './foo.snapshot-store';
import type { FooSnapshotStoreConfig } from './foo-snapshot-store-config';
	imports: [
		EventSourcingModule.forRootAsync<FooEventStoreConfig, FooSnapshotStoreConfig>({
			useFactory: () => ({
				events: [...Events],
				eventStore: { ... },
				snapshotStore: {
					driver: FooSnapshotStore,
					... // the additional parameters from your configuration
	providers: [...],
	controllers: [...],
class AppModule {}